
How to write effective Learning Objectives

July 6, 2020

When you start designing a course, it’s important to have your mind to your final aim. What’s your goal and how do you envision helping your audience learn?

In other words, designing a lesson is closely related to what we call learning objectives.

So, what are learning objectives and why are they so important for learning processes?

Well, a learning objective is a statement that defines what your learners will be able to accomplish by the end of the lesson you have designed. Learning objectives are the essence of every course. They clearly describe the knowledge and skills that will be acquired by students after the successful completion of your course. In other words, learning objectives describe what you expect that your students will know or do at the end of your instructional session.

But why are learning objectives so important?

Well, clear learning objectives help you orientate your course towards a specific aim and, therefore, design effective activities for your students. So, before you begin developing a course, just take some time to consider what your goals are and what students are going to learn from your course.

At the same time, learning objectives are important for learners too. Students should be aware of what they are learning and why. In this way, they should be able to recognize the importance of the newly acquired knowledge and connect it with what they already know.

So, clear learning objectives are helpful both for you and your audience.

In the following video you will explore the basic steps to write effective learning objectives for your courses:

Hope you found it helpful and feel more confident writing your own learning objectives now!


Hi! My name is Ifigeneia and I am an instructional designer, UX writer, usability consultant and content strategist. I have been designed learning experiences for various contexts, including Higher Education, K-12, Human Resources, Technical & Corporate contexts. I have also been trying to bring an instructional and gamified tone to technical and UX writing through e-learning.